Client: FUJIFILM Polska
Production: CATCHY
Directed by: Wiktor Bruchal
DOP: Konrad Śniady
Post-production: Konrad Śniady
Music: Maciej Kulesza / Ela Mazurkiewicz
SFX: Joanna Szczęsnowicz
Character: Michał Siarek
Country: Norway
Fujifilm – NORD
Advertisement in the form of a documentary film shot for FUJIFILM Polska.
“Michał Siarek’s project ‘Dobre wieści z najdalszego hrabstwa Norwegii’ [‘Good News from Norway’s Furthest County’] will be a portrait of societies living at the end of Europe on the eve of changes caused by climate change and the international competition for the influences and resources in the Arctic. For the last couple of months he has been travelling around small towns above the polar circle to colligate heard stories of migrations, closed villages and climate with global contexts. Work on new projects brought Siarek to Gamvik, the very last village on the continent. Thanks to the hospitability of its inhabitants he became a resident of an extraordinary house on the coast of the Barents Sea to work on the very first newspaper in the history of the village and found a portrait studio in the local shop”.